Owncast Newsletter August 2024

In This Issue

A Note From The Editor

The figs are ripe on the tree, the days are less bright and more golden, and my partners are cooking food to celebrate Lammas, and that's when I realize it must already be August and time for the next newsletter. It's been such a fast crush of work and life, but the newsletter waits for no one, and so here we are.

This month's newsletter is a little bit smaller due to us not having a Featured Streamer this month. I had a few fish on the line, but they ultimately didn't respond to my emails in time, and so I had to let the column go this time around. I'm hoping to bring the column back next month.

The Featured Streamer column is something where I'm always hunting around for someone doing interesting things with Owncast, but I'm just one person and I can't spend all my time scouting streams! I'm always happy to follow up a tip or even hear from the streamer themself, so if you'd like me to consider you or a friend for the column, please just get in touch.

That said, we do have a great feature for everyone this month, so read on!

Feature: RFF's Mid-Year Live Streaming Series

Subscribers to the newsletter might remember our writeup of Radio Free Fedi's (RFF's) January 1 streaming "par-raid". RFF is one of the great pillars of Fediverse media culture, free media, and Owncast. Their January event showcased a festival's worth of independent streaming and gave us all a bright way to ring in the new year together.

The event was a huge success and delightful for everyone who put it on and tuned in to watch, so RFF is coming back this summer with a summer arts/music series that will run the entire month of August! The goal of the series is to highlight indepenent artists, so it will be a mix of live performances, "listen-and-tell" events with the artist sharing prior recordings, and probably some of the usually-expected shenanigans.

Friends of the newsletter Meljoann, Doctor Deathray, and Luka Prinčič are already confirmed on the lineup of 10 participants (as of the time of this publication). This is going to be a really amazing month of independent art and streaming, so follow the blog post, follow RFF on the Fediverse, and buckle up. And if you're an independent musician or artist with something to show off? Good news...there's still plenty of room in the lineup, so get in touch with RFF right away! This is a great chance to promote your work.

Closing Remarks

Thanks again for helping make this community newsletter a success. This newsletter is the product of, and a service to, the community of Owncast developers, streamers, viewers, and enthusiasts later. We cannot be a sounding board for the community without your support. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with interesting project news, events, or other news of note, and if you'd like to help build the social fabric of the Owncast community, please consider checking out the #owncast-community channel on rocket.chat.

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